Monday, December 16, 2013
Over the summer I spoke about the "Truth". Discovering something that I did not know nor do I think I wanted to know. Over the last 6 months I have realized I am just guilty of not being totally honest in this situation. Because of fear, I never felt I could be honest. Fear of the fall out that the truth could produce. The truth is... my fantasy realm was a safe place to escape to.... reality could somehow ruin it all. I had carefully constructed a secret place in my mind, my heart and my soul. I think I never really wanted anyone to know about my secret place....not even you. But I realize I only constructed this place out of the fear of truth...fear of living.... So recently I chose to live despite of or should I say because of the fear. I am tired of living in fear. The truth may hurt for a moment but not saying what I needed to say has weighed on me for decades. Freedom from fear may just be worth the pain.