Sunday, July 27, 2014
What is it all for?
Recently a very good friend of mine shared that she was questioning her purpose...my purpose...hell the purpose of life here on earth. It seems like most of us go through life simply existing. We get comfortable in our daily routines and we become complacent. It does not start off this way...as children we see the world as a place with endless possibilities. We brag to our parents that one day we will take the world by storm, we will grow up and do all the things we could not do as children. Our parents warn us to be careful of what we ask for...they know the truth. The truth is, as we get older we fall into a trap. We forget all the great things we wanted to do and become part of the machine. We realize that being an adult means being responsible, it means sacrifice, hard work, stress....etc. etc. etc. Now there are those of us out there who have held on to those dreams and incorporate them into their lives...they are living. Those of us who get up every day and dread what lies ahead are existing. I find myself in the trap, however I am still a dreamer. As I approach 50, I know my time is here on this rock is getting shorter. I have been guilty of putting my dreams on hold to take care of the responsibilities of an adult...work, family, home....but now my dreams have got to be a priority. Those people and situations in my life who bring no light, no love, no peace must be put aside like the toys of my youth, they no longer serve me.