Work on the book has come to a halt. I am stuck...not sure where the story is going. I guess every good writer needs a muse; something that moves the writer into the creativity zone. Weeks have gone by and I have not had the desire to write anything. I have been existing...but today a spark was again ignited and so here I am.
RANT FOR THE DAY..... "What is Love?"
I have spent a lot of time writing about love...I have spent more time thinking about its meaning. The truth is I have spent too much time thinking and not enough time feeling. I have been searching for a definition for something that can not be defined. Love is simple...we make it complicated. We have a tendency to do that with anything that involves emotions. I once knew the simplicity of love. I spent most of my time even then trying to define what I was feeling. Analyzing every aspect...not fully understanding there was no need to understand. I only needed to "be"...I cant define what it is but I know how it should feel. The problem is that we are socialized not to feel...we must see things, hear things, in order for them to make sense to our physical body. The truth is we are not physical beings. We are light...we are made with love, to love and to feel love. So what was the Muse that ignited me to write? It was my LOVE.......