Monday, November 7, 2011
It's been nine months since I did the unthinkable and quit my job. The last nine months have been interesting to say the least. I have been up and down the emotional roller coaster several times. I was hoping the complexities of life would be more understandable at this point. Bottom line is that I am getting bored...very bored. Summer is over and I am terrified that I will be stuck in the house as the cold weather sets in. I still have no idea what I really want to do with the rest of my life. I am once again feeling lost. Where do I go from here? I enjoy writing, but as of yet no one is knocking down my door with a publishing deal. I love to cook, however I am slowly realizing my dream of having my own restaurant is being dashed by the fact that I am getting too old to be standing on my feet in a hot kitchen for 16 hours a day. I can't go back to my past career choice, as I gave much more then I received. 20 years drained the life out of me and I know if I go back it will be my end. So....now what? I have realized some hidden talents, but how do I turn them into a venture that will pay the bills? Too many questions and no answers....now would be a good time for my fairy godmother to make an appearance. I wont be holding my breath.