A few weeks ago, I was watching the evening news, which is something I rarely do. There was a story about an art exhibit that was going to be featured at the Brooklyn Museum in NYC. Many religious groups were boycotting the exhibit because a video of ants crawling on a crucifix that was slotted for the exhibit. Many stated that the video was sacrilegious and offensive. I by no means am taking sides on the opinions of others; however I have an opinion of my own. I believe in God and I believe that he created the most beautiful features of the world we live in. He created the Oceans, the Sun, the Moon, Trees, Plants, Animals and Man. His creations like Him are perfect. In the book of Genesis he stated that all man would ever need was created by Him. He gave us charge over all the creations on Earth, to care for and to protect. Every day I look around and I see how we as man have not lived up to his charge. We do not respect, care for or protect his greatest creations. We pollute the waters, the air, and the earth. We harm the animals, we harm each other. We take more then we give and our actions would seem to me to be sacrilegious. We take all that He has given for granted. We cut down entire forest, we displace animals from their natural habitat, we throw trash and toxic waste into our water systems. We spit in the face of God each time we do these things. Leonardo Da Vinci's creations are protected with every type of technology known to man. We treat the Mona Lisa painting like it is more precious then gold. Leonardo was a man, given a gift by God and we treasure his works more then we treasure the works of God Himself. God is the first artist and by far the greatest of all times. Man will never be able to recreate his works. God’s most precious gift to the planet is man....and we are no kinder to each other then we are to the natural wonders He created. Children are beaten, molested..women are raped and abused every second of every day in our world. Right now as you read this humans all over the world are suffering at the hands of other humans. Our planet is dying and we have people who focus on petty issues such as an art exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum . Honey Bees are and have been disappearing from our planet. When they are gone so are we...without them nothing grows, no trees, no flowers no vegetables, fruits....this is what we need to concern ourselves with. God does nothing nor did he create anything by mistake. From the mighty Ocean to the humble honey bee all of His creations have a Divine purpose. Destroy one you destroy all. God did not create the cross featured in the art exhibit, but he did create the two year old little girl whose father threw her in a river strapped in her car seat. Are we as outraged about that as we should be? God Himself gave us a set of laws to live by. In Exodus 20 verses 22 to 25, God say this to Moses, " Tell the Israelites this: You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from Heaven: Do not make any gods to be alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold. Make an alter of Earth for Me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle. Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you. If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it." My interpretation is this.... God is telling man that his creations of earth, stone, cattle are scared and they should not be redesigned by man. To worship and honor him create an alter that is pure and perfect from the gifts he has given to man. He says not to use silver or gold or any tool that will defile his creations. God Himself told us how important his creations are to him and to us. God further clarified his laws when he gave to man the 10 Commandments. God's second commandment clearly states, " You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God am a jealous God." So I ask how does a man made crucifix becomes more important then the Creations of God. God clearly says that we shall not worship idols...we should not give man made objects more respect and power then those created by Him. So tell me....what actions of man are sacrilegious?