Its been decades since you disappeared from my life. You are the very reason I breathe today. Without you not sure I would have made it through the darkest time in my life. You will never know how you saved will never know the strength you gave will never know how you changed my life. You were my kept me where I needed to be in order to receive one of the most precious gifts that life can ever give. When you left, I was lost....I had everything I ever wanted, yet I was lost without you. The strength you gave me was the foundation I needed to move forward. But how I missed was not easy but ....I found a new distraction....I was not supposed to let him into my heart, but now he is the one that my heart now beats for. Here you are again....I feel like I am in a circle of present distraction was what got me through losing you. I picked my new distraction because; he was almost a carbon copy of all that I loved about you. My heart belongs to him, but my mind can not help to remember how it once belonged to you. The twist is that his heart belongs to will you once again be my distraction.... Here you are again....never thought it would happen...but here you are.....AGAIN!