Tuesday, September 20, 2011
"Players Only Love You When They're Playing"
Why do I feel like a Barbie Doll on a shelf (by no means do I look like a barbie doll)? I sit patiently waiting to be adored, to be noticed. Then it happens.. I am pulled down off the shelf, dusted off and made to feel like Princess Barbie. I have the full attention of the player....kindness, empathy, protectiveness, security, admiration. The player looks at me like I am the most perfect Barbie ever created. The player is attentive and meets all my expectations. The player is gentle and warm....careful not to break me or dis shuffle me in any way. The player says everything I want to hear and listens to every word that stumbles out of my mouth like I am sharing all the secrets of the universe. I feel like I am the universe to the player during these moments. I am alive....I feel warm, beautiful, appreciated, special, admired and loved. Then it happens... the player having been distracted long enough from the problems of the real world, now re-energized... its time for me to be put back on the shelf. All the love, beauty and tenderness I felt leaves my body as I am once again ignored...tucked away until the player needs to play again. The player only loves me when he is playing.....