Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is He Crazy?

I was having a conversation with a close friend who has ventured into on line dating.  We were reviewing recent interactions she is having with her new on line friend.  He seems really good on paper....employed, not bad looking, can write a note that is coherent (and in English), has all his teeth, can carry out a descent phone conversation and doesn’t want to have phone/cyber sex.  WOW!  Sounds what is the catch?  I found myself asking her, “if he is all that and a bag of chips...why is he on line?"  Why hasn’t he been snatched up?  Then I thought my question may be a bit bias.  After all my close friend is good on paper and even better in real life and she is on line.  I myself have done the on line dating thing in the past.  I think I met 9 men during this experience.....
  • Yuck mouth had black teeth and chained smoked a pack of cigarettes in an hour.  He arrived at our date wearing a leisure suit from 1972 with a hairdo to match.
  • Motorcycle man sent me a picture of himself in a Speedo and bow tie after our one and only coffee date...Yuk!
  • The little person said he was 5'10"...  turned out to be 4'5", had maybe 10 yellow teeth and showed up at the beach wearing shorts and construction boots.  He went as far to bring his 7 year old son who also was in serious need of a dentist.  He then professed his undying love to me as I struggled not to vomit in my mouth....double Yuk!
  •  I live in my mama's basement, embarrassed me to no end by belching as loud as he could as we walked through the mall and then had the nerve to check my hair for tracks as I walked in front of him.  As I threw him out of my car at the train station, he had the nerve to ask if he could play with my feet while he waited for his train...freak!
  • Island man, decided dinner was a great place to tell me all about the size of his private parts and how good he was a using them....really?
  • The serial killer scared me so bad with his empty stare that I circled around town 30 times to make sure he was not following me home....wooosa!
  • The aspiring rapper, who was so fine I almost fainted when I met him, serenaded me all night with his lovely voice and then called the day after to ask me for $3000 to unfreeze his 10k bank account....yeah right!
Then there were the two who were better then the above, but not by much........
  • The lawyer, ran his own practice, was a complete gentleman, handsome, and took me out on the best date I ever had.   The date started at a wonderful supper club, where we had front row seats and the staff treated us like we were royalty.   We then drove in his brand new convertible to a private cigar bar where we had the finest Cognac.  Then off to a small Latin club where we danced the Salsa and the Merengue till dawn.  Back at his condo, which was so spotless it reeked of OCD, he showed me the guest room, gave me a towel, a toothbrush, kissed me on my forehead and said good I was so impressed I almost passed out.  Later in the morning he took me to his office where I had left my car, again kissed me on the forehead said he would call me later and he drove off to church.  This had to be too good to be was....subsequent conversations revealed he did have OCD, was a control freak, and wanted me to speak to him in a West Indian accent.  NEXT!
  • The “Dog” was not exactly what I expected when I met him at the movies to see some crazy kung fu drama with subtitles.  He was funny, warm and a charmer.  So charming that we dated for over a year.  At some point I actually feel in love with this man and did things I said I would never do.  I drove my brand new car into the city, took the subway alone and even went grocery shopping for him prior to my visits.  There are other unmentionables that I won’t mention but let’s just say he had me twisted.  On a good day I didn’t know if I was coming or going.  Long story short….maybe another time….

So the date on line or not to date on line?  All of my dates looked good on paper, they spoke well on the phone....lets face it, I could have met anyone of these nuts at the store, church, club etc. and maybe I would have dated them...ok maybe not the Yuk mouths or the Serial killer. But my point is do you really ever know the people that come into your life?  Do we all not have some type of shortcoming whether its looks or personality.  So why not date on line?   I guess we will have to see how my friend's new buddy turns out....