Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Game
Last week I wrote about the player who only loves you when he is playing. This week I realized I can control the game. I was looking at the situation as someone who was not part of the game. In the game we all strategize to make sure we win. I obviously was not in the game. In a game where there are two players there is a 50% chance that one person will win. I was in the game and didn't understand the rules. If the game is about distractions and I am the other players distraction, the objective has to be for me to remove myself. So, I did....I can only be the distraction if I allow it. So, the rules have changed and I will no longer be a pawn. I am the Queen...I can move anywhere on the board that I choose. I will not be used. I have the power to walk away from the game as the victor. The player has to find another toy...another barbie doll, another distraction. As stated by Kenny Rogers, "You've got to know when to hold 'em, Know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away, Know when to run.....well sweetie its time for me to do an OJ and run like hell! CHECK MATE!