Friday, March 16, 2012

My Aura

For the last few months, I have been going through a search and discovery mission.  I thought my decisions over the last year had helped me to grow and become more in tune with the world around me.  I was wrong....I decided to retreat to my family homestead to recharge.  On the way I  stopped and had my Aura picture taken to show me how wonderful I have become in the last year.  To my dismay, my aura was not what I expected.  The beautiful indigo crowned me as always, however in the center of my being was just a black void.  How could this be?  I have spent so much time trying to be more open and more loving.  I have even blogged about it in many of my post.  So at the homestead after a few shots of courage from Jose',  I had my semi annual melt down (every six months I allow myself to cry like a loon for about 5 minutes).   I have come to some pretty interesting conclusions....  I am a loving person, however it has been my experience that when I do show my, sadness, pain  etc.  people in my life shut me down.  I am too mushy, too weak, too optimistic, not optimistic enough.  So despite my attempts to be more in touch with my emotions my heart chakra was still void.   I have finally realized that in order for me to open my heart to emotions,  I first have to give myself permission to express them.  I have to be able to express them despite how others will react.  So I may seem weak, mushy, evil but I will be a much better person for saying what needs to be said....for feeling what needs to be felt and ultimately doing what needs to be done.